Niugnep, EN-JP Dictionary

Results of 'Comprehensive income'

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English: Comprehensive income
Japanese: 包括利益
Hiragana: ほうかつりえき
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
Japanese: 親会社株主に係る包括利益
Hiragana: おやがいしゃかぶぬしにかかるほうかつりえき
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests
Japanese: 非支配株主に係る包括利益
Hiragana: ひしはいかぶぬしにかかるほうかつりえき
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Share of other comprehensive income of entities accounted for using equity method
Japanese: 持分法適用会社に対する持分相当額
Hiragana: もちぶんほうてきようがいしゃにたいするもちぶんそうとうがく
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.

English: Statement of comprehensive income
Japanese: 包括利益計算書
Hiragana: ほうかつりえきけいさんしょ
Category: Accounting/Financial Statements
Detail: An account title under JGAAP.
